My first Italian love

I absolutely love Florence. Florence was the first place I ever visited in Italy and from the second I stepped off the plane, I was in love.
I came here 11 years ago to visit my friends who studied abroad and spent a full week here. We literally shared a twin bed and went out every night till like 4am- LOL gotta love college. 

Anyway, I loved exploring Florence because it is fairly small and by the 3rd day i really felt like I knew my way around and that I could navigate it easily. One of the best things about Florence is that it's low-key but still gorgeous. It's not as overwhelming or busy as some of the bigger cities in Europe. I think it can sometimes get a bad rap for being a little boring but for me, it's a welcome break from crazy and hectic NYC life. I also love how you can do SO MANY THINGS here- beach (Cinque Terre), countryside (Vineyards of Tuscany),historic sights, parks, you name it! I think it goes without saying that the food is amazing. I mean it's Italy, duh! It's a little different than the food you would have in southern Italy (more steak less fish and lots of pasta as per usual). Some of the places that i went to when i first visited, i went back to again and they were just as amazing as I remembered so that says a lot!

The sunsets here are beyond ( and best enjoyed with a sprits;) ) As for places to stay, as I said above I shared a twin bed with my friend the first time I was here and only came one other time so I don't have much to offer except the one place I stayed. But, I'm sure where ever you stay, it will be great and everything is close-ish so location should not be an issue. I would stay here a few extra days than you think you need so you can do day trips to places like Cinque Terre, Tuscany, and Pisa. 

Sealed with a Spritz

xx - Kristine